Nabrdalik, Katarzyna, Hanna Kwiendacz, Monika Gubała, Kinga Tyrała, Mariusz Seweryn, Andrzej Tomasik, Tomasz Sawczyn, Michał Kukla, Władysław Grzeszczak, and Janusz Gumprecht. Diabetes-related knowledge of Polish national mountain leaders. High Alt Med Biol. 19:237-243, 2018.-Mountain trekking is a popular activity for patients with diabetes. In Poland, mountain leaders often accompany organized groups to ensure their safety during treks; we aimed to evaluate their competency in caring for diabetic clients by assessing their diabetes-related knowledge. This was a cross-sectional study among Polish, certified, active mountain leaders carried out by means of an anonymous, standardized 41-item questionnaire adapted from a study by Wee et al. It was distributed through e-mail to 500 leaders. A total of 106 (21.2%) mountain leaders completed the questionnaire (males 60.4%) with a mean (standard deviation [SD]) age of 38.6 (13.5) years. Their mean (SD) length of experience acting as a mountain leader was 11.9 (10.2) years. The average score was 72.4% of the maximum possible (29.7 of 41 points). Results varied significantly depending on gender (p = 0.006). The percentage of correct answers among questions in each section varied between 23.6% and 100%. The main sources of diabetes-related knowledge identified by respondents were members of their family and their friends who suffer from diabetes (33%). First aid courses were indicated as sources of information by only 12.6% of the informants. Results of the questionnaire revealed that respondents did have a reasonable level of diabetes-related knowledge. There were topics in which the respondents achieved lower than an average score, demonstrating a need for further education.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus; education; mountain leaders; physical activity; trekking.