Introduction: Gait evaluation and assessment of motor performance are of utmost importance in the clinical management of multiple sclerosis (MS). A new approach to the analysis of static and dynamic balance of MS patients is the use of complex biomechanical analysis that includes an analysis of the distribution of the center of pressure (DCP) and loading, measured by using the pressure and force platforms.
Patients and methods: The study was conducted on a total of 18 patients with MS, with the mean age of 41.2 years old, divided into two groups, according to the presence of clinically detectable gait disturbances. The biomechanical analysis that included the assessment of the loading and DPC was performed using the platform of force distribution. DPC represented the center of all the forces applied and its value could appreciate the mediolateral stability, hence the pronation or, respectively, the supination. Group 1, consisting of 12 patients with MS with clinically detectable gait disorders, including six men and six women, and group 2, of six MS patients without clinically detectable gait disorders, including two men and four women.
Results: For group 1, the center of pressure had a left-right asymmetric distribution, and also an anterior-posterior one. There was a predominant distribution at the medial heel, at metatarsals 1-3 and at the hallux. For group 2, the analysis of the plantograms recorded in our study indicated a tendency of the distribution of the pressure center in the metatarsals 2, 3 and less in the heel.
Conclusions: The analysis of the loading and distribution of the pressure center was important not only to appreciate the static equilibrium disorders but also to appreciate how these disorders affected the gait initiation, since the patients suffered from anterior-posterior and mediolateral disorders, which produced spatial and temporal distortion preventing gait initiation. In the study of pressure and force, we noticed a predominant distribution on the lateral region of the heel, explained by an attempt of the body to compensate the disorders of balance and orientation of the reaction force of the ground to normalize the gait.