Delineating patterns of morbidity can reveal management practices in need of reassessment to improve individual welfare, as well as population health and sustainability. We reviewed medical records from 38 North American zoological institutions for 276 slender lorises, slow lorises, and pottos born between January 1, 1980 and December 31, 2010. This sample included animals identified as 116 Nycticebus pygmaeus, 84 N. coucang, 48 Loris tardigradus tardigradus, 6 L.t. nordicus (now classified as L. lydekkerianus nordicus), and 22 Perodicticus potto. Taxonomy for lorises and pottos is developing, and two of these populations (N. coucang and P. potto) likely included hybrids and/or multiple species. Our focus was to examine trends based on species and age. Across all species, whole body disease events, abnormalities of bloodwork, and dental diseases were the most common sources of morbidity. Other major sources of morbidity varied by species and included trauma, respiratory disease, and ocular disease. A recent upsurge in research has informed feeding practices for slow lorises living in human care, and a similar, evidence-based approach is needed to improve diets for other species. Given the prevalence of trauma in this sample, social needs and reproductive management practices are also important areas for further investigation. Species-level health trends reveal risk factors for individual welfare that can guide husbandry practices in zoos, as well as in sanctuaries caring for the influx of lorises and pottos rescued from the growing wildlife trade.
Keywords: abnormal bloodwork; body condition; dental disease; epidemiology; lorisid primate; zoo veterinary care.
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