A 56-year-old male patient presented with history of complaints of night sweats, short ness of breath, cough and yellow sputum, fever. There was a history of tumor neurosis factor-alpha (etanercept) due to ankylosing spondylitis. Postero-anterior chest X-ray; the right sinus was blunt, the right diaphragm had linear opacity compatible with atelectasis extending from the diaphragm to the periphery, left pleural effusion, left middle basal paracardiac opacity. In thorax tomography; pleural effusion and pericardial effusion and compressive atelectasis in the adjacent lung parenchyma were detected. Lymphocyte dominance had in cytological examination. Active chronic pleuritis and fibrinous exudate as benign cytology were reported in pleural biopsy. We are thought to develop pleurisy due to anti TNF-induced lupus like syndrome. 100 mg prednol was applied for three days. One month later the control was found toregress in the filter.