Kimura and co-workers (Kimura N et al. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018;68:1429-1435) recently proposed renaming the obligate aerobe Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 as Pseudomonas furukawiisp. nov. type strain KF707. Since the first quasi-complete genome sequence of KF707 was reported in 2012 (accession number: PRJNA83639) numerous reports on chemotaxis and function/composition of the respiratory redox chain of KF707 have been published, demonstrating that KF707 contains three cheA genes for aerobic motility, four cytochrome oxidases of c(c)aa3- and cbb3-type and one bd-type quinol oxidase. With this background in mind, it has been quite a surprise to read within Table 1 of the paper by Kimura et al. that strain KF707 is phenotypically characterized as cytochrome oxidase-negative. Further, Table 1 also reports that KF707 is β-galactosidase-positive, an affirmation that is not consistent with results documented in the current literature. In this present 'Letter to the Editor' we show that Kimura et al. have contradicted themselves and provided inaccurate information in respect to the respiratory phenotypic features of P. furukawii. Based on this, an official corrigendum is requested since the publication, as it is, blurs the credibility of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology.
Keywords: Pseudomonas furukawaii KF707; respiratory enzymes; β-galacosidase activity; ‘Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes’ strain KF707.