More empathized approach is required and is obligatory to women with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) interested for pregnancy. In order to improve fertility rate in POI patients our suggestions would be: (1) To decrease FSH value to 10-15 IU/L by increasing estrogen. Oocyte donation can be suggested after a minimum of six month interval from FSH between 10-15 IU/L and when no dominant follicles are found. (2) To perform oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Insulin sensitizing agents has to be included, when indicated, 3-6 month before pregnancy. (3) TSH has to be 1-2.5 mM/L during 3-6 months before pregnancy. (4) Tests for thrombophyllia (Leiden V, FII, MTHFR, PAI) have to be obligatory. They are less expensive than those repeated in vitro fertilizations. Therapy has to be included according to the indications. (5) In order to regulate disturbed immune response in POI patients with endometriosis oral contraceptive therapy is needed for atleast six months prior to the pregnancy. (5) Encourage the patients and advice them about healthy life style and eating habits. (6) Add other drugs, when they are indicated. Complex interplay between endocrine, immunological, haematological, and psychological factors are very often underdetected in POI patients. It is very important to find out the real time for oocyte donation after correcting all the disturbances, improving endometrium receptivity and reaching women's acceptable psychological status. Untreated disturbances induce cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, coagulopathioes etc.
摘要 需要采取更有效的方法以帮助早发性卵巢功能不全(POI)妇女受孕。为了提高POI患者的生育率, 我们的建议是:(1)通过增加雌激素来降低FSH值到10-15IU/L。在至少6个月的时间内FSH介于10-15 IU/L且未发现优势卵泡, 建议接受赠卵。(2)进行口服葡萄糖耐量试验(OGTT)。在怀孕前3-6个月如果需要应用胰岛素增敏剂。(3)TSH在怀孕前3-6个月必须在1–2.5mM/L。(4)必须进行易栓症的检测(Leiden V, FII, MTHFR, PAI)。它们比重复体外受精要便宜。根据适应证进行必要的治疗。(5)为了调节POI患者因子宫内膜异位症而被干扰的免疫应答, 在怀孕前至少6个月需要口服避孕药。(5)鼓励病人并向他们建议健康的生活方式和饮食习惯。(6)如果需要应添加其他药物。在POI患者中, 内分泌、免疫、血液学和心理因素之间的复杂相互作用常常被低估。在纠正所有的干扰、改善子宫内膜容受性和达到妇女可接受的心理状态后, 及时找到卵子捐献的时间非常重要。未经治疗易诱发心血管疾病、糖尿病、甲状腺疾病和凝血功能障碍等。.
Keywords: Premature ovarian insufficiency; deseases prediction; fertility rate; oocyte donation.