Aim: The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of colored filters on reading performance and eye movement control in children with and without dyslexia.
Methods: Eighteen children with dyslexia and 18 children without dyslexia were seated on a chair with their heads stabilized by a forehead and chin support. The children read different texts under the following three filter conditions: no filter, yellow filter, and green filter. The children's eye movements were recorded with a Mobile EyeBrain Tracker. Reading total time, duration of fixation between two successive saccades, pro-saccades amplitude and number of pro- and retro-saccades were obtained.
Results: Children with dyslexia read the fastest and had the shortest fixation time in the green filter condition compared with the other conditions. Furthermore, children with dyslexia showed the shortest fixation time in the green filter condition with respect to the other conditions.
Conclusions: Taken together, these results suggested that the green filter improved reading performance in children with dyslexia because the filter most likely facilitated cortical activity and decreased visual distortions.
Keywords: Children with dyslexia; Colored filters; Eye movement; Fixation; Reading.
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