Objective: To evaluate the acceptability of oral quick HIV self-testing in men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods: From April 2013 to April 2014, MSM in Beijing and Nanning of China were recruited for an observational study including baseline survey and follow-up, including questionnaire survey, oral HIV self-testing and clinic-based HIV confirmation testing. The sensitivity and specificity of oral quick self-testing were evaluated through comparing the results of oral quick testing with blood testing. The acceptability and associated factors were evaluated by logistic model. Results: A total of 510 MSM were recruited at baseline survey and 279 accepted follow-up. The sensitivity of the oral self-test was 86.00% (43/50) and specificity was 98.23% (445/453) at baseline survey. At baseline survey, 78.63% (401/510) of the MSM showed willingness to use oral quick HIV self-testing. The associated factors included unprotected anal intercourse with a regular male partner in the past 6 months (aOR=0.30, 95%CI: 0.10-1.00) and preference of oral quick HIV self-testing (aOR=7.32, 95%CI: 1.61- 33.31). At baseline survey, 34.51% (176/510) of the MSM reported that oral quick HIV self-testing was the preferred testing method rather than blood testing, which was associated with their birth places-urban area. Conclusion: The acceptability of oral quick HIV self- testing in MSM in the two cities was high.
目的: 评估MSM对HIV抗体口腔黏膜渗出液检测试剂自检(口腔自检)方式检测HIV的可接受度。 方法: 2013年4月至2014年4月在北京市和南宁市招募MSM进行基线和随访调查,包括问卷调查、HIV血清学检测(HIV血检)和口腔快检自检。通过平行对比血检和口腔自检得到口腔自检的灵敏度和特异度,通过logistic回归模型评估MSM对口腔快检的可接受度和相关影响因素。 结果: 510名MSM参加基线调查,其中279名接受门诊随访调查。基线MSM口腔自检的灵敏度86.00%(43/50),特异度98.23%(445/453)。基线MSM中有78.63%(401/510)报告在本次研究后有口腔自检HIV的意愿,相关因素包括最近6个月与固定性伴不使用安全套肛交(aOR=0.30,95%CI:0.10~1.00)和首选检测方式为口腔快检(aOR=7.32,95%CI:1.61~33.31)。相较血检,基线MSM中34.51%(176/510)报告更倾向于进行口腔快检,相关因素为出生地在城市。 结论: 中国两城市MSM对HIV口腔自检方式可接受度高。.
Keywords: Acceptability; HIV; Men who have sex with men; Quick self-testing.