Enameloid is a well-mineralized tissue covering the tooth surface in fish and it corresponds to the outer-most layer of dentin. It was reported that both dental epithelial cells and odontoblasts are involved in the formation of enameloid. Nevertheless, the localization and timing of secretion of ectodermal enamel matrix proteins in enameloid are unclear. In the present study, the enameloid matrix during the stages of enameloid formation in spotted gar, Lepisosteus oculatus, an actinopterygian, was examined mainly by transmission electron microscopy-based immunohistochemistry using an anti-mammalian amelogenin antibody and antiserum. Positive immunoreactivity with the antibody and antiserum was found in enameloid from the surface to the dentin-enameloid junction just before the formation of crystallites. This immunoreactivity disappeared rapidly before the full appearance of crystallites in the enameloid during the stage of mineralization. Immunolabelling was usually found along the collagen fibrils but was not seen on the electron-dense fibrous structures, which were probably derived from matrix vesicles in the previous stage. In inner dental epithelial cells, the granules in the distal cytoplasm often showed positive immunoreactivity, suggesting that the enamel matrix protein-like proteins originated from inner dental epithelial cells. Enamel matrix protein-like proteins in the enameloid matrix might be common to the enamel matrix protein-like proteins previously reported in the collar enamel of teeth and ganoine of ganoid scales, because they exhibited marked immunoreactivity with the same anti-mammalian amelogenin antibodies. It is likely that enamel matrix protein-like proteins are involved in the formation of crystallites along collagen fibrils in enameloid.
Keywords: Bony fish; enamel proteins; enameloid; immunohistochemistry.