Background: Demographic changes result in a higher prevalence of patients suffering from dementia in hospital. In Germany, epidemiological data of this target group are scarce and prevalence rates from university hospitals (UH) are not available. The prevalence rates and distribution were analyzed on the basis of ICD-10-GM (German modification) routine data METHOD: A secondary analysis on ICD-10-GM main and secondary diagnoses of dementia from 2014 and 2015 from 5 UH was performed. All patients admitted to hospital for at least 24 h and ≥18 years old (2014 n = 187,168; 2015 n = 189,040) were included. A descriptive analysis for the >69-year-old group was carried out (2014, n = 67,111; 2015; n = 67,824).
Results: The 1‑year prevalence (2014/2015) for all 5 UH for patients ≥18 years old was 1.3%/1.4% and for the >69-year-old group, 3.3%/3.5%. The prevalence rates between the five UH varied: for patients ≥18 years the range was 0.44-2.16% (2014) and 0.44-2.77% (2015) and for >69-year-olds 1.16-5.52% (2014) and 1.16-7.06% (2015). Most cases were correlated with major diagnostic categories of traumatology, cardiology, gastroenterology and neurology.
Conclusion: Analysis of ICD-10-GM routine data can provide an indication of the prevalence of dementia in UH. Results of the >69-year-olds varied greatly between participating UH. The reasons for this might be different healthcare tasks, especially with respect to geriatric patients; however, it is also possible that assessment procedures are not standardized and unreliable and therefore the coding is invalid. A standardized procedure for the identification of people suffering from dementia is necessary.
Keywords: Acute hospital; Dementia; ICD code; Inpatient; Prevalence.