Evaluation of the robustness of polarization attraction for 10.7-GBaud NRZ-BPSK after long-haul 100-GHz DWDM transmission

Opt Express. 2018 Jun 25;26(13):16639-16669. doi: 10.1364/OE.26.016639.


An investigation was carried out on the polarization attraction (PA) of a polarization-scrambled 10.7-GBaud NRZ-BPSK signal in a 1-km-long highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF). For the back-to-back case, PA on an ASE-loaded signal yielded a receiver sensitivity penalty of ≈ 14.5 dB at the ITU-T G.975.1.I3 FEC threshold of 3.5 × 10-3, relative to matched-filter reception theory. After long-haul 100-GHz DWDM transmission in a recirculating loop, PA on the output signal was found to achieve approximately the same receiver sensitivity performance, as that of the back-to-back case. From these experiments, it is concluded that the Gordon-Mollenauer effect due to propagation in the HNLF during PA dominates other impairments including those arising from the long-haul 100-GHz DWDM recirculating loop transmission.