In this research, the lipid profiles in rediae and free-living larvae (cercariae) of the trematodes Himasthla elongata were studied. It was shown that the lipid profiles of cercariae and rediae reflect the selective accumulation of membrane phospholipids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, infected tissues' lipid compositions in the intermediate hosts Littorina littorea (whole organism) and Mytilus edulis (foot) were studied. Modifications in the molluscs' lipid compositions were mainly caused by the parasites' metabolic requirements, as the parasites are unable to engage in de novo lipid biosynthesis, and thus, they utilise the host tissues' metabolites. The assumption that changes in the lipid unsaturation of infected intermediate hosts may affect their temperature resistance was discussed.
Keywords: Cercariae; Fatty acids; Mollusca; Phospholipids; Rediae; Trematodes; Triacylglycerols.
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