Various electron donor and acceptor substituted (NO2, CN, Cl, H, OCH3, NH2) p-phenyl ethenyl-E- thiophenes (1-6) were synthesized and substituent dependent optical properties (dipole moment, transition dipole moment, oscillator strength, optical band gap, hyperpolarizability) were studied using Solvatochromism and Density functional theory. It is shown that thiophene acts as a weak electron donor in presence of an electron withdrawing p-phenyl substituent (NO2, CN, Cl), whereas thiophene acts as a weak electron acceptor in presence of an electron donating p-phenyl substituent (OCH3, NH2). In comparison to ethenyl thiophene 4, the HOMO-LUMO energy band gap is decreased upon increasing the electron donating or electron withdrawing capacity of p-phenyl substituent. From the excited state dipole moment calculation, it is shown that the excited state is highly dipolar for nitro and amino compounds 1 and 6, whereas compounds 2-5 show a non-polar excited state. As compared to the ethenyl thiophene 4, the first hyperpolarizability (β) increases upon substitution either with a strong electron withdrawing or strong electron donating p-phenyl substituent. A large β value is found for p-nitro phenyl ethenyl-E-thiophene and p-amino phenyl ethenyl-E- thiophene. Overall, these studies provide useful information in understanding the optical properties of phenyl and heterocyclic based ethenyl systems.
Keywords: Absorption; Density functional theory; Dipole moment; Fluorescence; Hyperpolarizability; Optical band gap; Oscillator strength; Transition dipole moment.