Background: The Texas Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration project, a multicenter, multisystem approach to childhood overweight and obesity (OW/OB), included training and materials to support primary care clinics (PCCs) in addressing child OW/OB in the office. This study evaluated the impact over 24 months of brief training and practice-based support on primary care providers' (PCPs) perceived self-efficacy and practice behaviors.
Methods: The PCPs at five Houston and seven Austin PCCs completed questionnaires at baseline (2012, n = 36), 12 months (2013, n = 30), and 24 months (2014, n = 34) follow-up. Mixed-effects linear regression models were used to compare changes in self-efficacy (15 items, responses 1-4: not at all confident to very confident) and practice behaviors (30 items, responses 0-4: never to always) in obesity-related screening and counseling, and to assess association between prior training and these outcomes.
Results: Self-efficacy items for identification of (2.9 [0.1] vs. 3.3 [0.1]) and counseling about (2.8 [0.1] vs. 3.4 [0.1]) OW/OB-related parenting practices, and setting behavioral goals (2.9 [0.2] vs. 3.3 [0.2]) improved significantly (p < 0.05) between baseline and 24-month follow-up. Self-efficacy items with "confident" mean baseline scores that further improved included determining child OW/OB (3.6 [0.1] vs. 3.9 [0.1]) and interpreting BMI (3.6 [0.1] vs. 3.9 [0.1]). At all measurements, PCPs reported frequently addressing medical problems and lifestyle behaviors. Use of patient-centered counseling techniques, which was low at baseline, increased significantly, including asking permission before discussing lifestyle (1.5 [0.3] vs. 2.4 [0.3]). Prior training was associated with improved self-efficacy.
Conclusions: The improvement in PCPs' self-efficacy and patient-centered counseling to address childhood OW/OB supports implementation of brief training and practice support in clinics that serve Medicaid-eligible children.
Keywords: obesity; overweight; pediatrics; practice behavior; primary care; self-efficacy.