Due to the small size of a nanoconfinement, the property of water contained inside is rather challenging to probe. Herein, we measured the amount of water molecules released during the folding of individual G-quadruplex and i-motif structures, from which water activities are estimated in the DNA nanocages prepared by 5 × 5 to 7 × 7 helix bundles (cross-sections, 9 × 9 to 15 × 15 nm). We found water activities decrease with reducing cage size. In the 9 × 9-nm cage, water activity was reduced beyond the reach of regular cosolutes such as polyethylene glycol (PEG). With this set of nanocages, we were able to retrieve the change in water molecules throughout the folding trajectory of G-quadruplex or i-motif. We found that water molecules absorbed from the unfolded to the transition states are much fewer than those lost from the transition to the folded states. The overall loss of water therefore drives the folding of G-quadruplex or i-motif in nanocages with reduced water activities.
Keywords: DNA origami nanocage; G-quadruplex; i-motif; nanoconfinement; water activity.