Introduction: The technique and preliminary outcomes are reported for laser fenestrated endografting (LfEVAR), developed as an alternative procedure for endovascular repair of thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAAs), type IA endoleaks (T1AELs), and pararenal aortic aneurysms (PAAAs).
Methods: Patients with TAAA, T1AEL, and PAAA considered unfit for open repair by a multidisciplinary team and who could not benefit from a custom made device were selected. LfEVAR is a physician modified technique requiring sequential steps. After preliminary stenting of each target artery, a standard stent graft was deployed in the aorta. Laser fenestration was performed using a steerable sheath positioned in the stent graft lumen in front of each target artery ostium. After progressive dilation of the laser fenestration, bridging stents were placed and flared to insure accurate perfusion of the visceral arteries.
Results: Between August 2015 and March 2017, 16 consecutive patients were treated using LfEVAR including two TAAAs, four T1AELs, and 10 PAAAs. Thirty-three laser fenestrations were performed with a 94.3% success rate for visceral artery fenestration. The median ischaemic was 7.5 minutes for the superior mesenteric artery, 48 and 50 minutes for the left and right renal arteries, and 125 minutes for the coeliac trunk. Four secondary procedures were required: two endoleaks (type II and III), and two related to fenestrations: one renal stent dislocation, and one renal artery stent stenosis. During a mean follow up of 17 months, no deaths occurred. Follow up computed tomography (CT) scans performed at 30 days, 6, 12, and 18 months were satisfactory (4 endoleaks and two aneurysm enlargements were observed). The follow up CT scan imaging demonstrated 97% primary patency.
Conclusion: In situ antegrade LfEVAR is feasible and a safe alternative option for high risk inoperable patients or for those not eligible for custom made device endografting, particularly in emergency cases.
Keywords: Endoleak; Endovascular aneurysm repair; Fenestration; Laser; Thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Copyright © 2018 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.