Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the nonporous polyethylene barrier sheet as an alternative for nylon foil (SupraFOIL) implants in repair of orbital fractures.
Methods: This is a prospective, case series using the Stryker 0.4-mm-thick nonporous polyethylene barrier sheet in all patients over the age of 18 years presenting with orbital fractures from December 2014 to June 2015. Patient's age, location of fracture, etiology of injury, presence of preoperative restriction and diplopia, and postoperative diplopia and/or enophthalmos was recorded. Institutional review board approval was received, and consent was obtained from all participants. Patients were followed for at least 6 months when possible. Scanning electron microscopy was used to compare the thickness, surface characteristics, and porosity of the nonporous polyethylene barrier and nylon foil implants. Beam deflection testing was also performed to compare the biomechanical properties of each implant.
Results: Forty-six patients who underwent repair of orbital fractures with the nonporous polyethylene barrier sheet were included in this series. Average age was 43.3 years (range: 18-84 years). Twenty-six of 46 patients (56.5%) were males, and 20 (43.4%) were females. The most common causes of injuries were assault (38.3%), falls (25.5%), motor vehicle accident (14.9%), and sports related (10.5%). Twenty of 46 patients (43.4%) had isolated orbital floor, and 2 patients (4.3%) had isolated medial wall fractures. Fifteen patients (32.6%) had combined floor and medial wall fractures involving the inferomedial orbital strut, and 9 (19.6%) had floor fractures associated with zygomaticomaxillary complex or lateral wall fractures. Twenty-eight patients (60.9%) had preoperative diplopia. Timing of surgery was between 3 and 55 days, with the median of 11.5 days. Five of 46 patients (10.8%) had residual diplopia at their 1-week postoperative visit, 4 of those patients' diplopia had resolved at 2 months postoperatively. One patient had residual diplopia at 6-month follow up. Electron microscopy showed that the 0.4-mm nonporous polyethylene barrier implant was thinner (0.33 mm) than expected and thinner than 0.4-mm SupraFOIL (0.38 mm). Scanning electron microscopy exhibited that the surface of the nonporous polyethylene barrier was smooth and nonporous. Beam deflection testing showed that for small forces (<100 mN), the 2 materials behaved nearly identically, but at higher forces, the nonporous polyethylene implant exhibited less stiffness.
Conclusions: The use of nonporous polyethylene barrier sheet implant for orbital fracture repair is a safe and effective alternative to nonporous nylon foil implants. There were no complications and one case of residual diplopia (2.1%) in this case series.