The relationship of protein glycosylation to the externalization of glucocorticoid inducible alpha1-acid glycoprotein and mouse mammary tumor virus glycoproteins was examined in M1.54, a clonal population of mouse mammary tumor virus-infected rat hepatoma cells. Multiple freeze-thaw of isolated microsomes revealed that while alpha 1-acid glycoprotein is carried through the cell as a soluble component of vesicles, extracellular viral glycoproteins are initially membrane-associated. At concentrations of tunicamycin that specifically inhibited N-linked protein glycosylation, alpha 1-acid glycoprotein fractionated between the cellular and extracellular compartments. Thus, approximately one half of the newly synthesized, nonglycosylated (22,000 Mr) alpha 1-acid glycoprotein was rapidly secreted with kinetics similar to its glycosylated counterpart (release half-time of 60 min), while the remaining species first localized in an undefined intracellular compartment prior to its slow secretion (release half-time of 24 h). The same distribution of nonglycosylated alpha 1-acid glycoprotein was observed at various absolute levels of polypeptide, suggesting that this was not due simply to the saturation of an efficient secretory pathway at high polypeptide levels. In contrast to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, no labeled viral antigens were released by tunicamycin-treated M1.54, while a nonglycosylated viral precursor glycopolyprotein was expressed intracellularly. Taken together, these results suggest that carbohydrate attachment strongly regulates the externalization of both alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and mouse mammary tumor virus species, which represent two distinct classes of extracellular glycoproteins.