Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) found within the non-recombining region of the Y chromosome (NRY) represent a powerful tool in forensic genetics for inferring the paternal ancestry of a vestige and complement the determination of biogeographical origin in combination with other markers like AIMs. In the present study, we introduce a panel of 15 Y-SNPs for a fine-resolution subtyping of the haplogroup R1b-DF27, in a single minisequencing reaction. This is the first minisequencing panel that allows a fine subtyping of R1b-DF27, which displays high frequencies in Iberian and Iberian-influenced populations. This panel includes subhaplogroups of DF27 that display moderate geographical differentiation, of interest to link a sample with a specific location of the Iberian Peninsula or with Iberian ancestry. Conversely, part of the intricacy of a new minisequencing panel is to have all the included variants available to test the effectiveness of the analysis method. We have overcome the absence of the least common variants through site-directed mutagenesis. Overall, the results show that our panel is a robust and effective method for subtyping R1b-DF27 lineages from a minimal amount of DNA, and its high resolution enables to improve male lineage discrimination in Iberian and Southwest European descent individuals. The small length of the amplicons and its reproducibility makes this assay suitable for forensic and population genetics purposes.
Keywords: R1b-DF27; SNaPshot; Site-directed mutagenesis; Y chromosome; Y-SNPs.