Background: Currently, there is no consensus regarding the optimal therapeutic strategy for the management of an ectopic lingual thyroid. A surgical approach is suggested when airway obstructive symptoms cannot be tolerated at all, or when bleeding or malignancy occurs. However, for patients in whom ectopic thyroid is the only functioning thyroid tissue, complete surgical excision needs to be followed by lifelong hormone replacement therapy. We report the case of an infant with ectopic lingual thyroid obstructing the airway that was treated using our novel surgical procedure.
Case presentation: A 10-day-old male infant presented with symptoms of airway obstruction and subclinical hypothyroidism. Imaging tests revealed an ectopic lingual thyroid and the absence of a normal pretracheal thyroid gland. We administered oral levothyroxine to lower his thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) level and reduce the volume of the lingual mass; however, his airway symptoms did not improve. Subsequently, we performed a surgical intervention when he was 2 months old. We split the hyoid bone, and then suspended the lingual thyroid by suturing it to the hyoid bone to elevate the epiglottis. We confirmed the degree of suspension using intraoperative laryngo fiberscopy. After the surgery, the symptoms of airway obstruction were resolved and the patient was clinically euthyroid on low-dose oral levothyroxine.
Conclusions: Our laryngo fiberscopy-guided suspension procedure can be an effective surgical procedure for the treatment of ectopic thyroid. This relatively simple surgical procedure could completely preserve the patient's thyroid tissue and resolve airway obstruction.
Keywords: Airway obstruction; Ectopic thyroid; Lingual thyroid; Surgery; Transposition.