Absolute uterine factor infertility affects several thousand young women in France. The first healthy child delivered to a uterus transplant recipient took place in 2014, and uterus transplantation is developing rapidly in many countries. The French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF) formed a uterus transplantation committee (CETUF) in 2015 to advance this technology in France. The CETUF sets out the criteria for the designation of Uterus Transplantation Centres. The objectives, requirements, operation and responsibilities of these centres have been described. Their responsibilities for organizing geographical coverage, continuity of care, communication, training, research and evaluation have been defined. This document will serve as a guide for the authorities concerned, to ensure that the means are provided to adequately manage patients with absolute uterine factor infertility who require uterus transplantation.
Keywords: Absolute uterine factor infertility; Uterus transplantation; Uterus transplantation centre.
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