Introduction: This manuscript describes the prevalence and attributes of community programmes and policies (CPPs) to address childhood obesity documented as occurring in 130 diverse US communities.
Methods: Key informant interviews (N = 1420) and document abstraction were used to identify and characterize CPPs to promote physical activity and healthy nutrition occurring during a 10-year retrospective study period. Data were collected in 2013-2015 and analysed in 2016.
Results: Across all 130 communities, 9681 distinct CPPs were reported as occurring by key informants. Of these, 5574 (58%) focused on increasing physical activity, 2596 (27%) on improving nutrition and 1511 (16%) on both behaviours. The mean number of CPPs per community was 74.0, with a range of 25 to 295 across all communities. Most CPPs occurred more than once (63%) and on average lasted 6.1 years. The greatest number of reported CPPs occurred in school settings (44%).
Conclusions: Communities showed a wide range of investment in the amount of CPPs occurring in settings that affect opportunities for children to engage in physical activity and healthy nutrition. The pattern of implementation of CPPs showed variation over time, with an increase in more recent years. This observational study provides new and valuable information about what US communities are doing to prevent childhood obesity.
Keywords: Childhood obesity; community policies; community programmes.
© 2018 World Obesity Federation.