Purpose: To investigate retinal sensitivity in the junctional zone of geographic atrophy (GA) secondary to age-related macular degeneration using patient-tailored perimetry grids for mesopic and dark-adapted two-color fundus-controlled perimetry.
Methods: Twenty-five eyes with GA of 25 patients (prospective, natural-history Directional Spread in Geographic Atrophy study [DSGA; NCT02051998]) and 40 eyes of 40 normal subjects were included. Patient-tailored perimetry grids were generated using annotated fundus autofluorescence data. Customized software positioned test-points along iso-hulls surrounding the GA boundary at distances of 0.43°, 0.86°, 1.29°, 2.15°, and 3.01°. The grids were used for duplicate mesopic and dark-adapted two-color (cyan and red) fundus-controlled perimetry. Age-adjusted reference-data were obtained through regression analysis of normative data followed by spatial interpolation.
Results: The mean sensitivity loss for mesopic testing decreased with the distance to GA (-10.3 dB [0.43°], -8.2 dB [0.86°], -7.1 dB [1.29°], -6.8 dB [2.15°], and -6.6 dB [3.01°]; P < 0.01). Dark-adapted cyan sensitivity loss exceeded dark-adapted red sensitivity loss for all iso-hulls (-14.8 vs. -11.7 dB, -13.5 vs. -10.1 dB, -12.8 vs. -9.1 dB, -11.6 vs. -8.2 dB, -10.7 vs. -8.0 dB; P < 0.01).
Conclusion: Patient-tailored fundus-controlled perimetry grids allowed for testing of retinal function in the junctional zone of GA with high spatial resolution. A distinct decrease in mesopic sensitivity loss between 0.43° (125 µm) and 1.29° (375 µm) was observed that leveled off at more distant test-points. In proximity to the GA boundary, the results indicate that rod exceeded cone dysfunction.