In this study, two prototype radish-based kimchi were developed for Chinese consumer market. The major difference between these samples was the liquid used during the salting stage. Kimchi 1 was salted in soy sauce while Kimchi 2 was salted in saline water. The quality factor differences were observed in Brix (°Brix), salinity, and capsaicin levels (p < 0.05). The volatile flavor analysis revealed that a different flavor profile was noted between the two kimchi samples; however, this did not influence consumer acceptance. The overall liking scores for Kimchi 1 and Kimchi 2 were 6.2 and 6.1, respectively, based on a 9-pt hedonic scale (p > 0.05). Current work presented two different prototypes of radish-based Kimchi developed for Chinese consumers. Slight differences were observed between the two radish-based kimchi samples, yet these differences did not influence consumer hedonic responses.
Keywords: Chinese consumers; Consumer acceptability; Radish-based Kimchi; Volatiles.