Decellularization of Trachea With Combined Techniques for Tissue-Engineered Trachea Transplantation

Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Feb;12(1):86-94. doi: 10.21053/ceo.2018.00486. Epub 2018 Oct 18.


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to shorten the decellularization time of trachea by using combination of physical, chemical, and enzymatic techniques.

Methods: Approximately 3.5-cm-long tracheal segments from 42 New Zealand rabbits (3.5±0.5 kg) were separated into seven groups according to decellularization protocols. After decellularization, cellular regions, matrix and strength and endurance of the scaffold were followed up.

Results: DNA content in all groups was measured under 50 ng/mg and there was no significant difference for the glycosaminoglycan content between group 3 (lyophilization+deoxycholic acid+de-oxyribonuclease method) and control group (P=0.46). None of the decellularized groups was different than the normal trachea in tensile stress values (P>0.05). Glucose consumption and lactic acid levels measured from supernatants of all decellularized groups were close to group with cells only (76 mg/dL and 53 mg/L).

Conclusion: Using combination methods may reduce exposure to chemicals, prevent the excessive influence of the matrix, and shorten the decellularization time.

Keywords: Deoxycholic Acid; Freeze Drying; Scaffold; Tissue Engineering; Trachea.