The pH-dependence of the oxidation state marker line v4 of human leucocyte myeloperoxidase is determined in the absence of chloride using Raman difference spectroscopy (RDS). A transition in the frequency of v4 with pK of 4.2 +/- 0.3 is found. The pK compares favorably with that previously determined by spectrophotometric titration and kinetic studies. The shift in v4 across the transition is -1.3 cm-1. The shift in v4 and other Raman marker lines indicates enhanced pi charge in the chlorin ring below the transition. The low frequencies of the oxidation state marker lines indicate that a structural change occurs near the chromophore, which results in the formation of a more pi-charge donating protein environment for the chlorin ring at low pH. The Raman results are discussed in terms of a proposed catalytic control mechanism based on charge stabilization of the energy of ring charge-depleted ferryl intermediates of the reaction with peroxide. The myeloperoxidase findings are compared with similar RDS results for ferrous horseradish peroxidase and ferric cytochrome c peroxidase.