This article describes a method to generate molecular fingerprints from structural environments of mutagenicity alerts and calculate similarity between them. This approach was used to improve classification accuracy of alerts and for searching structurally similar analogues of an alerting chemical. It builds fingerprints using molecular fragments from the vicinity of the alerts and automatically accounts for the activating and deactivating/mitigating features of alerts needed for accurate predictions. This study also demonstrates the usefulness of transfer learning in which a distributed representation of chemical fragments was first trained on millions of unlabelled chemicals and then used for generating fingerprints and similarity search on smaller data sets labelled with Ames test outcomes. The distributed fingerprints gave better prediction performance and increased coverage compared to traditional binary fingerprints. The methodology was applied to four common mutagenic functionalities-primary aromatic amine, aromatic nitro, epoxide and alkyl chloride. Effects of various hyperparameters on prediction accuracy and test coverage for the k-nearest neighbours prediction method are also described, e.g. similarity thresholds, number of neighbours and size of the alert environment.
© The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the UK Environmental Mutagen Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].