Knowledge of the status of the pelvic lymph nodes is important for accurate staging and adequate treatment of patients with genitourinary tract cancer (bladder and prostatic carcinoma, testicular tumors, and uterine carcinoma). A total of 228 consecutive patients underwent preoperative evaluation of the lymph node status by lymphangiography combined with fine-needle aspiration biopsy. A lymphadenectomy was performed in 94 patients. The overall diagnostic accuracy was 93%. There were 5% false-negative results and no false-positive diagnoses. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy is an inexpensive method with which to detect the presence of metastatic lymph nodes visualized by bipedal lymphangiography. It is also a safe and well-tolerated method, with a low morbidity and no mortality. The various cytological features are described as are some possible pitfalls.