Southeastern Asia has been postulated as probably the original sites of genus Haemaphysalis, where numerous structurally advanced haemaphysalids now occur. Because of its phylogenetic and biological interest, we report the discovery of a structurally primitive new species Haemaphysalis (A.) kolonini belonging to subgenus Alloceraea from Baoshan and Weixi cities, Yunnan province, southwestern China. Both the morphological and phylogenic characteristics of the species support congruently to erect Hae. (A.) kolonini as a new species. The male and female adults of Haemaphysalis (A.) kolonini are respectively described and illustrated. Taxonomic discussion and keys to Alloceraea species in China are also provided to be able to distinguish species that are close morphologically.
Keywords: Alloceraea; China; Haemaphysalis (A.) kolonini; novel species.