The above article, published online on 10 August 2006 in Wiley Online Library (, has been retracted by agreement between the authors, the Journal Managing Editor, Felix Wieland, and John Wiley & Sons Ltd., on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies. The retraction has been agreed following concerns, brought to the editors attention, around data present in figs 4 A, C, D, F, G and I that indicate the use of software to edit the images in ways that invalidate the published figures as a record of the original data. The authors no longer have the original figure files to answer the queries and have therefore agreed that the best course of action is to retract the article. The authors believe the results of the research are scientifically sound and will seek to corroborate them. Reference Prada Patrícia Oliveira, Pauli José Rodrigo, Ropelle Eduardo Rochete, Zecchin Henrique Gottardello, Carvalheira José Barreto Campello, Velloso Lício Augusto and Saad Mario José Abdalla (2006). Selective modulation of the CAP/Cbl pathway in the adipose tissue of high fat diet treated rats. FEBS Lett 580, 4889-4894.
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