Apheresis treatments, which involve the removal of a component of blood, generally require one access and one return line to continuously draw and return blood into the extracorporeal circuit. At our center, we prefer to use peripheral venous access to avoid central line-related complications, especially infection. Motivated by patient-centered care, the single-needle (SN) option for therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) offered on the Spectra Optia (Terumo BCT, Lakewood, CO) was evaluated. Five patients underwent procedures using both SN and dual-needle (DN) plasma exchange procedures using the Spectra Optia. TPE procedures ran a median of 51 (range:10-102) minutes longer using the SN-TPE option. Inlet flow rates, plasma removal efficiency, and incidence of citrate reactions were similar between SN- and DN-procedures. Patients reported great satisfaction with SN-TPE.
Keywords: plasma exchange; single-needle; vascular access.
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