The present investigation was carried out with the objective to identify putative candidate genes / Quantitative trait loci for resistance / susceptibility towards Haemonchus infestation in tropical goat breed (Rohilkhandi goat) of India. The mean faecal egg count (FEC) and packed cell volume (PCV) of the population were 142.78 ± 22.54 epg (eggs per gram) and 31.73% ± 0.49, respectively. Grouping of animals as per dot ELISA test showed 41.33% (n = 124) positive and 58.66% (n = 176) negative for Haemonchus infestation. The microsatellite loci DYA and ODRB1.2 were significantly associated (P ≤ 0.05) to parasite resistance. The locus DYA showed significant association with log FEC and dot ELISA and the locus ODRB1.2 showed significant association with log FEC, PCV and dot ELISA at P ≤ 0.05. Real time expression profiling revealed that the susceptible group (high FEC group) had 11.1-fold more expression of IFNγ mRNA (Th1 cytokine) and 0.11-fold lower expression of IL-10 mRNA (Th2 cytokine), which was found to be statistically significant (P ≤ 0.05).
Keywords: Caprine MHC-DRB; Faecal egg count; Haemonchosis; Microsatellite; Rohilkhandi goat.
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