Curvature induced quantum phase transitions in an electron-hole system

Sci Rep. 2018 Nov 7;8(1):16497. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34903-9.


In this work, we study the effect of introducing a periodic curvature on nanostructures, and demonstrate that the curvature can lead to a transition from a topologically trivial state to a non-trivial state. We first present the Hamiltonian for an arbitrarily curved nanostructure, and introduce a numerical scheme for calculating the bandstructure of a periodically curved nanostructure. Using this scheme, we calculate the bandstructure for a sinusoidally curved two-dimensional electron gas. We show that the curvature can lead to a partner switching reminiscent of a topological phase transition at the time reversal invariant momenta. We then study the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang (BHZ) Hamiltonian for a two-dimensional quantum well. We show that introducing a curvature can lead to the emergence of topological surface states.