Lawsonella clevelandensis is a recently described species and genus of bacterium in the Corynebacterineae suborder which is Gram-stain positive, partially acid-fast and anaerobic. Very few cases of human infection due to this organism are described and here we seek to add to the limited medical literature. We report the case of a 2-year-old girl who presented with an infected spinal dermoid cyst secondary to Lawsonella clevelandensis which required surgical drainage and a long course of antibiotics. We encountered diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties because this is a fastidious organism which was difficult to culture and ultimately required molecular detection and identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is only the seventh reported case of Lawsonella clevelandensis causing human infection worldwide and the first in the UK. This is the first reported case of Lawsonella clevelandensis infection in a child and the second reported case of this organism causing spinal infection.
Keywords: Lawsonella clevelandensis; infected dermoid cyst; paediatric neurosurgery; spinal empyema.