Bariatric surgery is gaining popularity as the treatment of choice of morbid obesity since this condition is constantly increasing over the last decades. Several complications have emerged as the number of surgeries and follow-up data increase. No systematic review of the neurosurgery-related potential complications has been performed to date. Objective of this work is to fill this gap. We reviewed the literature for bariatric surgery-related complications involving the neurosurgical practice. Moreover, we present explicative cases dealing with peri- and post-operative therapeutic precautions. Three pathological mechanisms emerged. The first is related to intracranial pressure alterations and may imply either intracranial hypertension or hypotension syndromes in the operative or post-operative periods. The second is the deficiency of macro- and micro-nutrients which are potential risk factors for neuro- or myelo-encephalopathies, fetal malformations and spine disorders. The third is a dysregulation of both autonomic and endocrine / pituitary control. Neurosurgeons must be aware of the several, multifactorial neurosurgery-related complications of bariatric surgery as their prevalence is likely to be higher in the next few years.
Keywords: Bariatric; Cushing; Intracranial hypertension; Neuropathy; Neurosurgery; Obesity; Pituitary.
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