Upon diagnosis of dementia, a 93-year-old woman was unable to manage her finances. Her nephew illegally spent her money, which was considered as financial abuse.The public office forcibly admitted her to our hospital as a legal measure. After five years, she attained the terminal stage owing to eating disorders.While the medical team was preparing for end-of-life care, the patient's guardian of adult had sent informed consent form to perpetrator who was accused of financial abuse because the guardian had no authority of decision-making.On learning about the whereabouts of his aunt, the perpetrator contacted the medical team which then attempted to resolve the conflict of opinions.However, obtaining the family's consent emerged into an exhaustive and stressful process for the staff.In the present system, wherein the guardians of adult have no authority over medical treatment policy, they should, at least, participate in the discussion of future opinions and cooperate with a constructive attitude.In contrast, the medical team should offer better information to the guardians of elderly patients to devise a proper treatment plan.
Keywords: Adult guardianship system; Financial abuse; Medical consent rights.