Four patients with traumatic hemorrhage in the right adrenal gland were examined with computed tomography (CT) and ultrasound (US) (initial US studies in three patients; follow-up study at least 1 month after the trauma in all patients). CT showed an enlarged inhomogeneous gland of normal to increased attenuation. This finding was associated with stranding of the periadrenal fat and stranding of the subcutaneous fat of the right flank, which corresponded to the site of trauma. US showed an enlarged, hyperechoic mass with a bright central echo that became cystic on follow-up examinations. Magnetic resonance imaging, performed in one patient, showed an enlarged gland that was isointense with liver on T1-weighted images and had increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. Stranding of the periadrenal and subcutaneous fat of the right flank was present on T2-weighted images and appeared as streaky areas of increased signal intensity.