Retained Surgical Items in Inguinal Canal: A Case Report and Literature Review

Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2018 Nov 23;6(11):2165-2167. doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2018.377. eCollection 2018 Nov 25.


Background: Retained surgical items (RSI) are rare medical challenges with serious complications and medicolegal implications. Knowledge and preventive measures for these rare events are currently not sufficient to limit their increasing incidence. Gauzes and sponges constitute most of RSI. Forceps, needles and pins may be found too. Diagnosis of these events is challenging and often missed due to nonspecific clinical findings.

Presentation of case: We present here a 49-year-old patient who presented to the clinic with a history of chronic scrotal sinus on the same side of a repeatedly repaired inguinal hernia 4 months before admission. He underwent exploration of the inguinal canal as elective surgery. Exploration of the inguinal canal revealed missed surgical gauze left during the previous hernia repair. The gauze was removed, and the inguinal canal was repaired. The postoperative period was uncomplicated.

Conclusion: Retained surgical items are completely preventable near-events. Although they are rare entities, clinicians must have a high index of suspicion for any postoperative, in patients presenting with pain, sinus or palpable masses.

Keywords: Case report; Foreign bodies; Inguinal canal; Retained Gauze; Retained surgical items; Surgical complications.

Publication types

  • Case Reports