A novel system for electromagnetic navigation in bronchoscopy (ENB) to improve peripheral lesion targeting and diagnostic is currently under development, and preliminary tests on a complex phantom are presented in this paper. The system named Transbite is proving to be easy to use, accurate and useful for experienced and beginner users, with precision around 5-9 mm in reaching targets in sub-segmental bronchi where a conventional video-bronchoscope cannot extent. Transbite system consists of a planning and orientation software, a navigation and biopsy forceps, an active marker that is placed on patient chest and an electromagnetic tracking system from the market connected to a computer containing the software. Transbite can be used with any bronchoscopy system, has a short set-up procedure and learning curve.
Keywords: bronchoscopy; computer tomography (CT); electromagnetic tracking (EMT); fusion imaging; magnetic resonance (MR).