Background: The abuse of opioids has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and leftover medications are a primary source for nonmedical pain relievers. A past study at the University of Utah showed that micrographic surgeons were likely overprescribing opioids, with 35% of patients receiving a postoperative prescription.
Objective: To examine the current opioid prescribing habits of the micrographic surgeons at the University of Utah compared with those in 2010.
Methods: Retrospective chart review of the patient records of 4 micrographic surgeons between February and May 2017.
Results: Four hundred patient visits were reviewed. An opioid prescription was provided after 12% of encounters, 23% lower than in 2010 (p = .004). Younger patient age, increased number of stages and defect size, repair of the defect, and particular surgeons predicted opioid prescription.
Conclusion: The percentage of patients who received an opioid prescription after undergoing micrographic surgery at the University of Utah decreased from 35% in 2010 to 12% in 2017. Reports of the minimal need of opioids after micrographic surgery, the authors' past study showing an institutional tendency to overprescribe, and reports of the national opioid epidemic likely all contributed to the decrease in opioid prescriptions at the authors' institution.