Background: Women experience greater difficulty quitting smoking than men, which may be explained by sex differences in brain circuitry underlying cognitive control. Prior work has linked reduced interhemispheric executive control network (ECN) coupling with poor executive function, shorter time to relapse, and greater substance use. Lower structural connectivity between a key ECN hub, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and the dorsal striatum (DS) also contributes to less efficient cognitive control recruitment, and reduced intrahemispheric connectivity between these regions has been associated with smoking relapse. Therefore, sex differences were probed by evaluating interhemispheric ECN and intrahemispheric DLPFC-DS connectivity. To assess the potential sex by nicotine interaction, a pilot sample of non-smokers was evaluated following acute nicotine and placebo administration.
Methods: Thirty-five smokers (19 women) completed one resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging scan. Seventeen non-smokers (8 women) were scanned twice using a repeated measures design where they received 2 and 0 mg nicotine.
Results: In smokers, women had less interhemispheric ECN and DLPFC-DS coupling than men. In non-smokers, there was a drug x sex interaction where women, relative to men, had weaker ECN coupling following nicotine but not placebo administration.
Conclusions: The current work indicates that nicotine-dependent women, versus men, have weaker connectivity in brain networks critically implicated in cognitive control. How these connectivity differences contribute to the behavioral aspects of smoking requires more testing. However, building on the literature, it is likely these deficits in functional connectivity contribute to the lower abstinence rates noted in women relative to men.
Keywords: Connectivity; Executive control network; Nicotine; Sex differences; Smoking; fMRI.
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