Objective: To explore the direct effect of physical exercise impacting on life satisfaction and the mediating role of mental health status and resilience between the relationship of physical exercise and life satisfaction in rural adolescents.
Methods: A total of 2282 of grade 7 and grade 10 of two rural middle school students( 15. 21± 0. 74 years, range 11-18 years) were surveyed in Zizhong County, Sichuan Province, chosen by typical sampling and cluster sampling using a self-report structured questionnaire, including demographic characteristics, physical exercise, Resilience Scale( CD-RISC) and mental health scale( MMHI-60), life satisfaction scale. A structural equation model was used for statistical analysis.
Results: The fitting indices of multiple mediating role of structural equation model showed good fitting: χ~2/DF = 4. 528, GFI = 0. 935, AGFI = 0. 906, RMSEA = 0. 039. Physicalexercise was a direct protective determination for life satisfaction, the standardized coefficient was 0. 056( P < 0. 05). Physical exercise indirectly impacted on life satisfaction through the mediating variables of resilience and mental health status, and the 90 % CI of the mediating effect were( 0. 331-0. 557) and( 0. 051-0. 178), respectively. The mediating effect accounted for 67. 1 % of total effect.
Conclusion: Physical exercise exerts a direct and indirect positive effect on life satisfaction. Resilience and mental health status have mediating effects on the relationship between physical exercise and life satisfaction.
Keywords: life satisfaction; mental health status; multiple mediation effect; physical exercise; resilience.