Purpose: To evaluate a custom-made ocular fluorometer for detection of intensity of light scatter (ILS) from the anterior chamber (A/C) as an objective measure of aqueous flare.
Methods: The fluorometer, equipped with a lock-in amplifier, was employed in the scatter mode to detect ILS from A/C. Measurements were performed with two illumination slit widths of 0.5 and 0.25 mm. The axial resolution at these slit widths were 80 and 200 μm, respectively. Healthy and pseudophakic eyes, with grade 0 Standardization of Uveitis Nomenclature (SUN) score, were employed as control subjects. ILS was also recorded in a cohort of patients who had undergone phacoemulsification and showed grades 1+ or 2+ on postoperative days 1 and 4.
Results: The inter- and intraobserver variabilities in the measurement of ILS were not significant. In cataract patients, ILS was significantly higher on postoperative day 1 relative to healthy eyes. By day 4, ILS decreased significantly and was only marginally different from ILS in quiet pseudophakic eyes or healthy eyes. Eyes with higher SUN scores showed proportionately increased ILS. The receiver-operator characteristic analysis indicated no advantage in using the smaller slit width in discriminating ILS at different SUN scores although it provided higher axial resolution.
Conclusions: The lock-in-based spot fluorometer is reliable for measurement of ILS with high precision and accuracy.The measured ILS correlates linearly with SUN scores and can be used to provide a higher granularity for recording aqueous flare.
Translational relevance: The instrument can be used in the clinical management of uveitis and drug development toward uveitis.
Keywords: SUN grading; aqueous flare; blood–aqueous barrier; light scatter; lock-in amplifier; ocular fluorometer; uveitis.