There is increasing body of evidence to suggest that some colonic serrated polyps do not fit morphologically with any of the proposed categories for serrated polyps recommended by the World Health Organization. Most of these polyps have morphologic features of traditional serrated adenoma (TSA) admixed with areas resembling sessile serrated adenoma (SSA) or hyperplastic polyp (HP). Based on these findings it has been suggested that at least some TSAs may arise in association with precursor HP or SSA lesions, particularly those that develop in right colon. To further evaluate this hypothesis, 39 serrated polyps from right side of the colon (cecum, ascending, and transverse colon) with mixed features of TSA and SSA were evaluated by 2 immunostains previously shown to represent markers of SSA. One is Annexin A10 which shows upregulated expression in SSA and the other is Hes-1 which is shown to be down regulated in SSA. The expression patterns of these markers were evaluated in SSA and TSA components of hybrid polyps and compared with control groups (pure SSAs and TSAs of right colon). SSA component in hybrid polyps did not show any significant difference in staining pattern compared with that seen in TSA component of hybrid polyps or in pure TSA polyps. These findings further support the hypothesis that recognizes SSA as a precursor lesion for TSA in the right colon.