The Chinese Society of Hepatology developed the current guidelines for the Management of Ascites and Its Related Complications in Cirrhosis based on the published evidences and the panelists' consensus. The guidelines provided recommendations for the diagnosis and management of cirrhotic ascites emphasizing a step-wise approach with the first-, second-, and third-line therapy. For refractory ascites, vasoconstrictors and albumin are recommended for splanchnic vasodilation and selective vasopressin (V2) receptor antagonists for moderate-to-severe hyponatremia. For spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, empirical anti-infection treatment was recommended based on the local microbiological examination of community- or hospital-acquired infections. For hepatorenal syndrome, the administration of vasopressor terlipressin and albumin is recommended.
Keywords: Ascites; Diagnosis; Guidelines; Hepatorenal syndrome; Liver cirrhosis; SBP; Therapy.