Brown rot is one of the most important pre- and postharvest fungal diseases of stone fruit worldwide. In Serbia, where production of stone fruit is economically important, Monilinia laxa and M. fructigena are widely distributed. In surveys from 2011 to 2013, 288 isolates of Monilinia spp. were collected from 131 localities in 16 districts and from six hosts in Serbia. Using multiplex polymerase chain reaction, phylogenetic analysis, and morphological characterization, three species of Monilinia were identified as the causal agents of brown rot of stone fruit: M. laxa (89% of isolates), M. fructigena (3%), and M. fructicola (8%). In 2011, M. fructicola was reported for the first time on stone fruit in Serbia, with only one isolate detected. More isolates of M. fructicola were detected in 2012 (2 isolates) and 2013 (20 isolates). The presence of M. fructicola, as well as its increased frequency of detection during the survey, may indicate a change in the population structure of these pathogens, which could have an important impact on brown rot disease management in Serbia.