We describe the evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent-assay (ELISA) for the measurement of IgM, IgA and IgG rheumatoid factor (RF). Results were obtained from sera of normal controls and patients with different rheumatic disorders in a cross-sectional study. Both human and rabbit IgG could be used as antigen in the assays. IgA-RF and IgG-RF were measured after pepsin digestion. The WHO reference preparation was used to standardise IgM-RF, but could not be used in the IgA- and IgG-RF assay, because neither IgA- nor IgG-RF could be detected in this standard serum. The ELISA for detection of RF is a highly sensitive and reproducible method and quantitation of results can be standardised. It yields good discriminative values for RA versus controls, in particular when more RF-isotypes are determined. In RA patients a correlation between IgM-, IgA- and IgG-RF concentrations does exist, although a wide variation was found in the ratio of these concentrations.