Background: Interprofessional (IP) clinical training experiences for nurse practitioner (NP) students are on the rise. Faculty interaction with students during clinical rotations varies. Therefore, students must be prepared to use self-directed learning (SDL) to maximize learning.
Method: Using an SDL framework, this project prepared NP students for working with IP preceptors. A didactic presentation provided students with content on a typical clinical trajectory and common pitfalls. Subsequently, an innovative simulation experience allowed students to apply information, negotiate learning objectives, and discuss their professional role with an actor playing a physician preceptor.
Results: Students prepared learning objectives to discuss with their preceptors. Students felt prepared to discuss their professional role and learning trajectory. Preceptors thought students were prepared for clinical rotations and ready to discuss their professional role and learning objectives.
Conclusion: Innovative use of simulation increases NP students' ability to self-direct clinical experiences and better prepares them for working with IP preceptors. [J Nurs Educ. 2019;58(2):102-106.].
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