It has been analyzed seven patients, five females and two males, affected by progressive systemic sclerosis. Their ages range from 35 to 60 years. Three of them correspond to the CREST syndrome named variant. There were made: physical examination, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram and radionuclide techniques such as: Thallium perfusion (T201) and ventriculography (Tc99). The cardiac examination of all the patients showed: Left myocardiopathy in six patients, as well right myocardiopathy in two of them. Four patients were affected by chronic cor pulmonale, due to pulmonary hypertension. All the patients had developed diffuse thallium perfusion defects as well, having abnormal resting left ventricular function in three patients and function abnormality from right ventricle in two patients. It is necessary to point out the importance of making such study systematically, even in the case cardiac symptoms absence.