Integrated communication infrastructure has become a must-have facility for modernpublic buildings and offices. To cover this need, several commercial products exist on the market,but most of them require advanced technical skill to operate, while others require manual and timeconsumingoperations. This work proposes an intelligent displaying and alerting system (calledSICIAD), implemented over an integrated communication infrastructure with support for wirelessePaper and iBeacon technologies to enhance displaying static and dynamic information, as well asto ease the indoor orientation of guests. A centralized display management console is implemented,as well as procedures for automatically displaying different types of notifications. An Androidmobile application is developed which enables indoor user location and guidance. The systemtargets educational and research institutions but could also cope with public institutions such asmuseums and hospitals. Remote authentication is supported in research facilities through eduroamtechnology, access being provided by the user's distant institution of affiliation. Secure multiplelevelaccess to the system is provided to users, from guests to system administrators, based onlocally defined policies. Functional validation and performance evaluation aspects are presented forthe proposed system.
Keywords: alerting system; ePaper; iBeacon; indoor positioning; low power display.